Affiliate Marketing Super Affiliates

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Transform your Programme with Super Affiliates

Not all affiliates will contribute the same revenues to your programme of course. And some affiliates will have a significant impact on the overall performance of your programme. And you can transform your programme by recruiting so-called Super Affiliates. These are "professional" affiliates who specialise in pushing programmes because they believe they can achieve significant results based on their core skills.

Some of these super affiliates may be specialist in paid search. Others may have large opt-in email databases to which they will pitch your product/service proposition. And, others may operate in the social network arena. Affiniti is itself a super affiliate and we've worked with many others over the years. We're well connected and we'd like to think that we can get them to work for you too (so long as your programme terms are competitive).

Bringing Super affiliates onboard and keeping them!

The recruitment of super affiliates is an indivisible part of our overall affiliate programme management activity. We'll look for super affiliates as a matter of course as part of the process of recruiting affiliates for your programme.

The rule is that the larger the affiliate is the more challenging is the task of keeping them onboard. Super affiliates are ruthless when it comes to analysis of their own web performance. If some programmes don't work we well as others then they are dropped (and it'll be very hard to get them to try it again, even if you make the terms more favourable). So, they need to be pampered and provided with all they need to make the programme run sweetly. Get it right and the benefits can be considerable. We can help you with this task!

Affiliate Marketing

Programme Creation

Commercial attractiveness, creative effectiveness. A winning combination.

Programme Management

Whether independently or via a network professsionalism is needed.

Affiliate recruitment

Recruitment and retention to generate the reach and returns you need.

Creative design

The critical element for encouraging your desired consumer behaviour.

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