Affiliate Marketing Services

020 3582 7090

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Affiliate Marketing with Proven Results

Affiliate marketing can be a strong source of business revenue if planned, structure and implemented well. Whether you are the owner of a company looking to increase sales and broaden your online brand/product presence or a website owner wanting to make some additional money, our affiliate marketing skills will help you achieve your objectives. Our team of highly experienced affiliate marketing professionals will work with you to:

Fully Integrated Affiliate Marketing Services

At Affiniti Media, we approach all web projects with a focus on understanding you, your core business and your audience. Our affiliate marketing services include:

  • Affiliate Marketing Programme Creation
  • Affiliate Marketing Programme Management
  • Affiliate Recruitment
  • Super Affiliate Recruitment
  • Affiliate Marketing Creative Design

With our proven results in creating and managing successful affiliate marketing programme, we will be happy to answer all your questions and to discuss any ideas for campaigns with you.

For an example of what we can do take a look at our own recently launched affiliate programme - Maximum Return. We built the whole programme (including all the back-end technology) from the ground up to meet our needs.

Affiliate Marketing – Is It For You?

Many, many businesses find Affiliate Marketing is a very profitable business model. After all a well implemented and managed programme gives you access to a virtual team of "salesmen" who are rewarded when they perform. However, when starting a programme, you will be met with many questions and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. Outsourcing your programme management to a dedicated affiliate marketing agency like Affiniti might be the best business decision you make! The exact fee structure depends on the complexity of your programme and the product sector, so contact us so that we can find out more about your requirements.

Affiliate Marketing

Programme Creation

Commercial attractiveness, creative effectiveness. A winning combination.

Programme Management

Whether independently or via a network professsionalism is needed.

Affiliate recruitment

Recruitment and retention to generate the reach and returns you need.


Superaffiliates provide the critical mass for an effective programme.

Creative design

The critical element for encouraging your desired consumer behaviour.

Latest Blog Post

Content Strategy: The Use of “Really Long List” articles to deliver an SEO advantage

The internet is swamped with data. And the amount of content is growing exponentially. If your blog content strategy depends on regular postings of a modest amount of average quality content then you may already be feeling pain. The days of a weekly posti…

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