Web Design Web Build Usability ROI

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An Easy-to-Use Website Maximise Conversion Rates & ROI

Website visitors expect to quickly find what they want. To ensure your website does not deter users it must be made as "usable" as possible. Ideally this is done during the design phase of a website build, but many usability issues can be addressed as part of a website refresh. You will reap significant rewards from investing behind website usability - a well-know metric is that for every £1 you spend on improving website usability you'll generate up to £100 in additional returns. Another measure is that conversion rates can rise by 100% just from a usability redesign.

Whether website users realise it or not they have become accustomed to particular web page layouts and structures. If your site does not acknowledge these conventions then the effectiveness of your website will suffer. There are numerous issues to accommodate when ensuring usability, and they tend to be clustered as follows:

  • Layout - physical positioning of elements in a common sense manner
  • Navigation - menus, internal text links, etc.
  • Content - are things written from a user's point of view or your company's?
  • Accessability - font sizes, contrast, tags, page load speeds, etc

Raise Your Conversion Rates & Return on Investment (ROI)

When we design new or refresh existing websites we use a detailed checklist to ensure that nothing is forgotten. If we are refreshing your website and you have analytics data available then we'll use the data to help establish where the significant areas of weakness are. These issues will be addressed during the refreshment of the site. We'd always encourage you to gather analaytics data about the usage of your site - if you don't have it installed we can do this for you. Analytics data provides excellent transparency about website usage and can also be used to measure performance over time. This would mean that the effect of changes to a website's usability can be tracked. It is also possible to run A/B or multivariate testing on key website pages to identify which of a number of alternatives should be used longer term.

All usability changes are made with a view to improving your website's revenue generation. And once you know a site "works" and that conversion rates are strong you'll feel more able to invest behind its online marketing as there will be little risk of wasting the investment.

Don't Ignore a Website Usability Issue

If you know your website has usability issues don't ignore them - as we've mentioned the ROI from resolving usability issues is very high. So, the sooner you confront and solve poor usability then sooner you'll reap the benefits.

Contact us to discuss any concerns you might have about your existing website. We'll help you deal with the usability problems and get your website working effectively.

Web Design & Build

Design that Performs

Graphical appeal + functionality + usability = great performance.

Refresh Existing Sites

Remove blockages to strong website effectiveness without a full rebuild.

Database & Back-end Technology

Bespoke website functionality - databases, CMS and e-commerce.

Hosting, SSL Certificates & Domains

Website add-ons for a full end-to-end web design service.

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