Affiliate Recruitment

020 3582 7090

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Recruiting the Best Affiliates for Your Programme

The success of an affiliate marketing programme can be down to the affiliates that you recruit. If you are able to recruit a fantastic network of affiliate partners and associates, your programme has a great opportunity to become the leading programme in your niche.

At Affiniti Media our team of dedicated online marketers have vast experience in recruiting affiliate partners to programmes. We will work closely with you to understand your programme, your goals and your audience. We will then use our industry leading knowledge and recruit only the best and most relevant partners to your programme.

Promoting Your Programme

We believe that in affiliate marketing, it is not what you know but who you know that can lead to great success and revenue. We will promote your programme through relevant channels to recruit partners and super affiliates.

Our online marketers know where to find the most lucrative affiliate partners for your specific niche. Once recruited, we will work closely with you to manage your campaign and ensure that your partners actively promote your campaign successfully.

Expand Your Network with Affiliate Partner Recruitment

At Affiniti Media, we understand the steps and elements needed to make an affiliate programme a success. That is why we offer services for every step of an affiliate marketing campaign. From inception and creation, design and management, we understand each element inside and out. That is why we understand the importance of ongoing programme promotion and affiliate recruitment.

We will work closely with you to promote your campaign to only the best affiliate partners. This ensures that your programme will have healthy growth and an increased audience potential. We will also work closely with you to manage your ongoing affiliate programme to ensure that your affiliate partners continue to participate actively in your programme.

Affiliate Marketing

Programme Creation

Commercial attractiveness, creative effectiveness. A winning combination.

Programme Management

Whether independently or via a network professsionalism is needed.


Superaffiliates provide the critical mass for an effective programme.

Creative design

The critical element for encouraging your desired consumer behaviour.

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