Website Effectiveness ROI Return on Investment Improvement

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Driving Improvement in Your Website's ROI

Measuring your website's performance is the first step towards improving it's return on investment (ROI). The overall ROI of your online activity is a combination of:

  • the ability to bring relevant visitors to your website economically
  • the ability of your website to convert these visitors into revenue

These two elements should support each other seamlessly. Web analytics can be used to track the efficiency of both the online marketing and the website. Let's assume that the online marketing is optimised (and is only bringing relevant visitors). The key question for improving the website's ROI then becomes why is x% of its visitors not doing anything valuable at the website?

Why Do x% of the Website Visitors Exit Without Converting?

No website will convert every visitor to revenue but what we're after is continuous improvement. Some of the conversion gap may be due to your product/service offering not being exactly what visitors wanted or perhaps the price being too high. These are things that you should address separately. We can help you establish if you're losing revenue because of the website's structure/layout/content. We'll use web analytics data to drill down and discover why potential customers are exiting your website before they have generated revenue.

Developing an ROI Improvement Plan

From the analysis we'll develop a plan for improving your website's ROI. Having identified weaknesses we can recommend solutions based around website reengineering or refreshing the website.

Many of the issues may be quick to solve. But if we think the problems are more deep seated and require a full website rebuild we'll be honest and tell you.

If you need an ROI improvement plan for your website then contact us.

Website Effectiveness

Web Analytics

Analysing how your website & visitors interact.

Performance Measurement

Measure your website's performance to build improvement plans.

User Behaviour

Optimising your website for typical user behaviour.

Site Re-engineering

Improve your website's effectiveness by designing-out weaknesses.

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