Affiliate Marketing Programme Management

020 3582 7090

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Sustaining your Programme for maximum ROI

As with all aspects of business your affiliate programme will need to be actively managed to ensure it continues to deliver results. And the more actively it is managed the greater the ROI potential it has too. We'll constantly monitor its performance and make recommendations for changes that will allow the programme to deliver to its full potential.

What's meant by "Programme Management"?

We'll review the recruitment of affiliates and which affiliates are proving the most productive. We'll enable you to decide whether you should restructure the commission terms to reward some affiliates more, and to ensure the programme remains competitive. We'll review what competitors' programmes are doing and whether you need to respond to their initiatives. The sorts of issues that need to be addressed are many and varied, but they have to be addressed promptly to ensure your programme remains vital. To us this sort of analysis is second nature so we'll ensure your merchant programme has a long and prosperous life.

Programme Management in a Nut Shell

The main areas we include in programme management are as follows:

  • Overall profitability of programme
  • Recruitment & Retention of affiliates
  • Focus of resources
  • Competitiveness of programme terms
  • Refreshment of programme creative
  • Affiliate behaviour, etc

The charges for our service combine a basic fixed fee plus a performance related fee - so it's in our interet to ensure that your programme performs well. The exact fee structure depends on the complexity of your programme and the product sector, so contact us so that we can find out more about your requirements.

Affiliate Marketing

Programme Creation

Commercial attractiveness, creative effectiveness. A winning combination.

Affiliate recruitment

Recruitment and retention to generate the reach and returns you need.


Superaffiliates provide the critical mass for an effective programme.

Creative design

The critical element for encouraging your desired consumer behaviour.

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Content Strategy: The Use of “Really Long List” articles to deliver an SEO advantage

The internet is swamped with data. And the amount of content is growing exponentially. If your blog content strategy depends on regular postings of a modest amount of average quality content then you may already be feeling pain. The days of a weekly posti…

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