Email Marketing

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Make your Email Marketing Effective

E-mail marketing is one of the most cost effective ways to promote your business online. The Return on Investment (ROI) is measurable, the process is proven and as long as your content is relevant, people like to receive them. Sending e-mails can enhance the relationship between your business and your customers you can strengthen loyalties and encourage repeat business. It can also be a great way to acquire new customers.

Despite the arrival and rapid of advance of social networking email remains the top online activity with 92% of people using it, and 61% or people using it daily. So, it would be wrong to think that email is dying - it isn't; in fact it is as strong as ever. What has changed is the need to work harder to get your email messages accepted by the ISPs. Recipients are also more savvy and more difficult to engage. But a professional approach to email marketing means that these don't need to be barriers. Affiniti has plenty of email experience and we have the know-how to get your email campaigns to work well - giving you another way to iteract with your customers.

The Complete Email Marketing Service

We can offer a full email marketing service starting with email list management, through to tackling the generation of effective email creative and finally the delivery of the emails to your list via leading edge and proven email technology. And because we are results orientated we'll measure the performance of your campaigns and recommend improvements so that the performance improves continuously.

We also offer a service to monetise your opted-in email list by promoting other products and services to it. This service operates completely independently from our standard email marketing service, so even if you use other providers for your routine customer-relationship email marketing we can run other non-competing targeted campaigns to your list to generate you extra revenue.

Have You Thought About SMS?

In addition to email marketing you could also run SMS/Text campaigns direct to people's mobile phones. If you have an opted-in list of client mobile phone numbers then you could enhance your relationship with your customers by careful use of SMS. Perhaps you want to tell them about a short term promotion to encourage them to return to you quickly; perhaps you want to run a competition? SMS has the advantage of being highly focused and to have high deliverability (if your database is up to date), but because it is so direct it has to used prudently. We are able to send SMS messages at very competitive rates.

Email Marketing

Customer Relationships

It's cheaper to keep a customer than acquire a new one!

Monetise Email Data

Generate extra revenue from your opted-in email list.

Proven Email Technology

Robust technology to ensure high deliverability and measurability.

Email List Management

Capitalise on your customer email database to drive repeat business.

Creative Design

Designing emails for deliverability and effectiveness.

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Content Strategy: The Use of “Really Long List” articles to deliver an SEO advantage

The internet is swamped with data. And the amount of content is growing exponentially. If your blog content strategy depends on regular postings of a modest amount of average quality content then you may already be feeling pain. The days of a weekly posti…

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