Affiniti Digital Media Website Effectiveness

020 3582 7090

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Getting Your Website to Work to its Full Potential

We strive to ensure that websites reach their full potential. Wherever possible we like to measure performance and track it back to the pursuit of business goals. Only this way can we really determine whether a website is being effective or not. We'd also add to this the measurement of marketing expenditure as these costs need to be taken into account when looking at the overall effectiveness of your website and online presence.

Fortunately the nature of the online environment means it is possible to measure the cost of specific traffic to your website, and also what visitors do when they then interact with your website. The two can also be added together to see the flow from the initial advertising through to the outcomes at your website. So, it is possible to see how different groups of people behave when visiting. It all helps to optimise the user experience at the website as well as focusing on the media that proves most effective and profitable.

Insights Through Data Analysis

The core of our website effectiveness work is based on web analytics - where we use data of actual interactions with your website to help understand user behaviour. In turn we can use this data to establish if, amongst other things, there are:

  • weaknesses with the design/structure of the website
  • specific pages that visitors exit through - may be the content isn't working
  • changes to the navigation that would improve visitor's experience
  • key pages that influence a visitor's decision to do valuable things on your site (e.g. make a purchase, register for a newsletter, etc).
  • etc

Making Changes to Improve Effectiveness

Once we've analysed the positives and negatives of your current site the task is to make changes to improve its overall effectiveness and roi. It may be possible to do this by refreshing the site or if the issues are significant then we might recommend a rebuild.

If you'd like to find out more about our website effectiveness services please contact us.

Website Effectiveness

Web Analytics

Analysing how your website & visitors interact.

Performance Measurement

Measure your website's performance to build improvement plans.

ROI Improvement

Get more from your site's online marketing & your site's visitors.

User Behaviour

Optimising your website for typical user behaviour.

Site Re-engineering

Improve your website's effectiveness by designing-out weaknesses.

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The internet is swamped with data. And the amount of content is growing exponentially. If your blog content strategy depends on regular postings of a modest amount of average quality content then you may already be feeling pain. The days of a weekly posti…

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