Email Marketing Creative Design

020 3582 7090

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Designing Emails For Deliverability and Effectiveness

A well designed email/email newsletter is more readable, attractive and effective at relaying information and getting the results you want from your opt-in email list - namely clickthroughs to your website or in-bound phone calls (and thereafter the sales you need). So, spending time developing this creative is very important.

Today's email clients (e.g. Outlook, Hotmail. Gmail..) happily allow the receipt of HTML emails. However, they can also be set up to block images in emails. So, the design of emails needs to keep this in mind. Perhaps you want to send a plain text email instead, or ensure that within your HTML email there is sufficient text in the correct position for people to read it even with images disabled.

Over the years we've been honing our email design skills and we know how to get the best out of the email opportunity.

Sample Email Creative Portfolio

Email Design Best Practice

Some of the key variables to consider in email design include:

  • Subject Line
  • Text positioning
  • Image or Plain text
  • Image to text ration
  • Email size (Kb)

Creative Email and Newsletter Design from Affiniti Media

Our email campaigns have a proven track record of delivering results and increasing sales. We're more than just experts in creative design for emails and newsletters; our experienced copywriters can create the perfect subject line for your campaign to ensure a healthy opening rate.

If you are not sure where to begin with an email or newsletter campaign don't worry. We will be happy to discuss with you your campaign, objectives and goals. We will work with you to ensure that your email campaign has eye-catching design, conversion-lead copy and an engaging subject line. And we'll ally this to top quality email technology to ensure your email benefits from high deliverability.

Email Marketing

Customer Relationships

It's cheaper to keep a customer than acquire a new one!

Monetise Email Data

Generate extra revenue from your opted-in email list.

Proven Email Technology

Robust technology to ensure high deliverability and measurability.

Email List Management

Capitalise on your customer email database to drive repeat business.

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The internet is swamped with data. And the amount of content is growing exponentially. If your blog content strategy depends on regular postings of a modest amount of average quality content then you may already be feeling pain. The days of a weekly posti…

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