SEO Consultants

020 3582 7090

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SEO Consultants

We're looking for independent consultants working on a freelance basis to help us generate high volumes of good quality/relevant traffic through the development and implementation of search engine optimsation strategies for Affiniti-owned and client websites.

You can download the full SEO Search Engine Optimisation Consultant job description.

If you have questions about the role please email us.

We're also looking for SEO people of exceptional talent to join our SEO Partner programme - a revenue share arrangement that could generate a much higher returns than via the standard consultancy arrangement. But the commitment required means that the partner programme won't be for everyone.

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What We Do

Online Marketing

Paid Search PPC, SEO, Strategy, Planning & Buying, Other Channels.

Website Effectiveness

Web Analytics, Performance Measurement, User Behaviour.

Lead Generation

Leads Machine Service, Pay for Performance, Tailored Solutions.

Email Marketing

Customer Relationships, Data Monetisation, List Management.

Affiliate Marketing

Programme Creation & Management, Affiliate Recruitment, Creative Design.

Web Design & Web Build

Design that Performs, Usability, Database & Back-end Technology.

Latest Blog Post

Content Strategy: The Use of “Really Long List” articles to deliver an SEO advantage

The internet is swamped with data. And the amount of content is growing exponentially. If your blog content strategy depends on regular postings of a modest amount of average quality content then you may already be feeling pain. The days of a weekly posti…

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